Thursday, April 18, 2013

Geneva Public Library

Geneva, IL Public Library
///fall08 - updated 13'

///rendering of backside
///rendering of entrance facade
*click on images to view full size

I have been combing though my old project files lately and re-rendering out old images. Here is the latest, it is of my undergrad 3rd year Library Project in Geneva Illinois. 

I am currently job hunting and with that goes updating my resume and my portfolio of work. It is long past due, and for the first time in about 3.5 years, since I began with CSG (my previous employer), I now feel like I have the time to get all of my work together. I began working at a firm right out of undergrad, and before I could put together a portfolio, the mountain of unsorted undergraduate work got shelved in hopes that a rainy day would come and I would get back to cleaning it all up. Well that day has finally come, only know I have two more shelves full of work, professional and graduate.